"Whichever believe you will ever hold about how this universe, and indeed life itself came into existence, one fact will always remain: 'that creation essentially emerged from nothing'"
"The big bang" and "Let there be light" have always had common denominators that may have escaped us in the feuding that we got caught in between the two theories. One such glaring denominator lies in the profound theories of young Einstein. Time dilation for instance, the implication of the Theory of Relativity that time would essentially stop, no past and no future, nothing but just the present, for anything or anyone who could accelerate to the speed of light. By implication it would mean that they would be everywhere, know everything since they can see all that has ever happened or will ever happen, and with the ability to be everywhere, know everything even before it happens, comes the ability to alter the future and thus be all powerful. What have I just said?
"That attaining the speed of light is likely to make you god like"
Could Einstein have been referring to God in his Theory of Relativity? Then there is the energy mass equivalence implication of Relativity E = mc2: that energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable; they are two forms of the same thing; Energy is liberated matter, and mater is energy waiting to happen. It was not until people really understood the implications of the Theory of Relativity and E = mc2 that they realized the vast amounts of energy packed in every molecule of matter. This is the stuff that nuclear bombs are made of.
"It is said that an average adult will contain about 7x1018 joules of potential energy – enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs – That's assuming he knew how to liberate it."
Does E = mc2 provide the conclusive link between "The big bang" and "let there be light"? Is it likely that God is a vast energy reserve part of which somehow transmuted into the universe? Let's explore these possibilities further ….. Read more
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